Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Half Birthday

Happy 18th Month Birthday Little Wonder!!!

Boy, how these past 18 months have flown by, and I hear that it seems to just get faster. What have you accomplished in the last month: well you learned how to climb up the sofa & chair, that you LOVE the outdoors, and started to recognized numbers (you have the alphabet down by now.) You continue to teeth, constantly having your fingers in your mouth. :) You still amaze people by how much you talk. They say that you are too little to talk that much already. Every morning, the first thing you ask, "Go for a ride?" This means you want to go for a ride and usually you want to go in the truck. I think you like the truck because you can see so much more that high up.

Since this is the first post on my blog about you, here's just a little more about you. You love Elmo, you have to sleep with him, Glowworm(from Grandma Rose,) Bear and your two blankets. You love books, especially the ABC books, paper(it can be any piece of paper,) ice, milk, cheese, blueberry yogurt, any kind of fruit, carrots, peas, broccoli and ham. You like to push the buttons on the remotes, phone and computer. You like to snuggle with Mommy & Daddy and sometimes with Peanut. I'm sure there is many more things I could add to list, but this is a start.

I love you my Little Wonder!!!

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