Monday, June 27, 2011

Mommy and Me Monday

We had to make an ER visit on Friday. Addy decided to give us a scare. She might have swallowed some 500mg Tylenol. After a four hour wait for a blood test result, she did not swallow any pills. Except for the poke, I think Addy had fun. She got lots of attention, got to run around the lobby and eat some her favorite treats while we waited.

Mommy, Adalyn & Joe (with a spit rag in his mouth. He's teething)
This is a photo of the us while the nurse was telling us the blood test results.


Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?


twinkietotmom said...

A scare like that is never fun...but it resulted in a cute picture of you & the kiddos!

Renegades said...

I can't imagine how scary that was. Glad everything turned out well for you guys.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

How glad she didn't take any of it.