Saturday, February 19, 2011

3 months already

It's been 3 months already.
These past several months have gone by fast. You have already changed so much. I remember bringing you home, how small you were compared to today.
You have to weigh at least 15 pounds by now. ( You were just under 13lbs at your 2 month check up.)
You smile everytime your eyes get a glimpse of Mommy and Daddy. You are entrance when your big sister talks to you. And you smile the instance Addy smiles.
You love to be held and snuggle right under Daddy's chin. When there is no bottle in your mouth, you are either talking or have your hands shoved in. Sometimes it can be both. I think I'm in big trouble down the road. ;)
You just started to sleep 5-6 hours at a time during the night. Yeah!
I have loved having these past 3 months being home with you and your sister full time.
I look forward the coming hours, days, weeks, months & years of watching you grow.
I love you Mr. Chubbs!

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