Wednesday, August 4, 2010

This Week's Rewind

Here's the Rewind:

Our furnace motor went out this past week. Apparently, our unit has a separate filter that we were unaware of. We knew about the hepa filter system attached to the unit, clean the filters on a regular basis. Since the cheap filter was not found until this week, it had been caked so bad (four years of crap), there was no air flow. Hence the burned out motor. Now let's remind people that the temp outside has not been the coolest. It was 9o degrees with a humidity of 98%, dew point 78, making the heat index near 100 degrees. We finally did get the motor replaced by Wednesday afternoon. THANK YOU repairman!

On a brighter note, Adalyn show us she can now do a somersault. Take a look:

She also realized that Mommy has a baby in my tummy. She was giving my belly kisses and hugs. She even tried to tickle the baby after Daddy asked her to tickle her baby brother. How cute is that!

I also tried my hand at canning green beans this week. That means using a pressure canner. We bought one last week at Fleet Farm. I opt to buy the pressure weight canner thinking it would be easier to use and I would not have to worry about calibrating a dial canner in the future. Anyway, I'm now thinking the dial canner is the way I should have gone. Plus I should have practiced with the weight canner before canning the beans. Needless to say, I'm not sure if I canned my beans right. But when you try to push the lids down, they do not move. This means that the jars are sealed, therefore, I canned the bean properly. YEAH!!! I was uncertain for awhile. I don't want to cause my family to get sick after eating some home grown, home cooked food. Now I can explore other foods to can. I have already done salsa & applesauce last year. I cannot wait for apple picking season!

Well, that's the week in rewind. Until next Sunday......

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