Thursday, September 23, 2010

Adalyn turns TWO!!!!

Two years ago you came into our lives and changed it forever. You have grown soo fast, that I find myself cherishing every moment and looking forward to the future moments. For I know that they will get better with each pasting memory.

The day you were born.

Two years old.

WOW! Look how you have grown.

What has the past year look liked? You started walking a little over a month past your first birthday. You’ve become very vocal, to the point that you amaze every single person you meet with your language skills. You know the alphabet letters, yet still needs work on singing the song. You can recognize numbers and count to 10, yet there are times you miss a number or two. You know your colors and shapes, I think your favorite is the semicircle. For when we see the half moon, you point & say “Moon. It’s a semicircle” You love to listen to music & dance, Caillou & Sesames Street are the fav programs to watch. I guess I should include Scooby-Do in that list. You like to go swimming at the beach and with Lindsay at the Y. This also means you love bath time. You have become a somewhat picky eater or maybe I should say if you don’t feel like eating it today, doesn’t mean you will not eat tomorrow. For your bedtime routine, you like to have your blanket wrapped around you form the back, wind up your two matchboxes. Help wind up the Angel music box that Aunt Sherry gave you, then give her a kiss, followed by mommy then daddy. Then daddy sings a few songs before the lights go out.

Well, this a short version of what has been happened over the last year with you. I can only imagine this next year will bring more joy towards our lives with you, as you continue to amaze us. I love you!!!!!

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