Sunday, September 19, 2010


Here's the Rewind.....

This week we visited an apple orchard. Unfortunately, we were unable to pick our own apples due to the bad weather the orchard experienced early in the season. There was a late frost on Mother's day and then they had hail in June. So about 80% of the crop was destroyed.

So we just walked down to some of the apple trees, and found three apples that were edible, feed some chickens & turkeys, pet a donkey & some goats, then pick a couple of mums. We did get to buy a couple bags of apples, a jug of cider and a bottle of homemade honey.

Off to find some apples

I can pull the wagon myself.

Wait for me Daddy


I think we will try another orchard next week. I really want to make a boat load of applesauce for the winter.

Addy did get another chance at different orchard with her nanny, yet it was an orchard were you cannot pick your own. So she got to see some more animals and try apple crisp.

Starting this past week after dinner, Addy likes to read her books or have them read to her. So she piles up books from her room and attempts to bring them into the living room. Yet, on her way out, she drops the books and starts to cry. Now, it not that she trying to carry a couple or a few books, these are stacks of 5+ books she tries to bring to us.

She also is starting to say "Give me.....Give me..." to what you have and she would like that item. Oh, the fun has begun with the almost 2 year old behavior. But I've heard that the 3 year old's behavior is worst. We will have wait & see. :)

Until next week....

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