Sunday, September 12, 2010


Here's this week's rewind.....
I started working on the baby's room this week, decided to go with a baseball theme. Painted the top half the wall a dark blue. See:

Next I'll paint the bottom half a tan color. The hubby likes that these are the colors of the his beloved team the Brewers. But I'm hoping to add red accents to the room. This will then add some Twins flavor to the room. I'll give you a sneak peak of a project I'm working on for his room:

Now you know the name we have decided to call the new Little bundle of joy.
I'm just hoping this project will turn out as I envision it my little head.

We also got the baby's tree planted this week. We went with an Emerald Lustre Maple. It will turn a nice red in the fall. We planted a tree for Adalyn when she was born, it is a Northwoods Maple. It gets yellow leaves in the fall. Yet this year the tree was a little stressed out and has already turned & dropped it's leaves. Someone (yes, it was yours truly) had put pine needles around the tree for mulch. I guess they do not like the acidic soil the needles create. OOPS.

The Emerald Lustre

Well, that's it folks. Until next time.....

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