Sunday, November 14, 2010


I'm going to start this rewind starting the very early morning hours of last Sunday. Here's the rewind....

It all started about 1am, I could not, for the life of me, fall asleep. Reason, having contractions on what seemed like a regular basis. By 2am, I woke the hubby up & asked him start marking them. They were 5 minutes apart, lasting over a minute each time. They were uncomfortable, but not sure if they warrant calling the doc yet. So after about two hours of clocking the contractions, we made the call. Packed Addy & the suitcase and headed for the hospital to get checked out. Finally got ahold of the sis-in-law to come pick Addy up at the hospital. I was only at an 1 and baby had not dropped. So we waited for two hours to see if anything would happen. Nothing-the contractions started to pitter out and I was still at 1. Therefore homebound we went for some sleep. Apparently he was not ready.
Here are some past photos of the baby & me.

This a 3-D image of his face at 36weeks. The clinic had recently received the 3-D probe & the tech was playing around with it.
He's going to be a big boy. Don't you just love the chubby checks.

Mommy @ 37 weeks

Other thing new this past week, Addy has graduated to the toddler bed. She had climbed out of her crib in front of me one morning last week. We decided to give her one more chance to figure it out again. Well, during a Saturday afternoon, instead of sleeping, she was playing in her room. Books everywhere, stuffed animals scattered on the floor and clothes pulled out of her drawers. You see, usually she will talk herself to sleep and sometimes it takes her about a hour to do so. But after that hour mark, I had a inkling that something was up. She had crawled out of the crib for the second time. When she saw me in her room, she said to me, " I did it Mommy. I did it." Yes Addy, you sure did it. So, now she is free to roam her room & leave it as she pleases. I was not ready for this step. My mornings of letting her play in her crib for awhile, so I could just get those extra zzzz's, are gone. I'm not the best morning person. I love to sleep in. We are now getting the early morning wake up calls and she doesn't fall back to sleep with us, she wants to play or watch cartoons. Yesterday it was 5am.

We also had another unforeseen event happen this past week. I've been battling a swollen knee for about the last 3 weeks. I went to Urgent care Halloween eve, started an abx for a possible infected bursa. After almost 3 days on the med, I felt it was not getting better. I made an appt with an Infectious Disease MD- she had a Rheumatologist look at it. He felt is was NOT infected, just swollen and because I cannot take ibuprofen d/t the pregnancy, we had to sit on it for awhile. But finish the abx just to be on the safe side. After about 3-4 days of no improvement, it actually was getting worse. To the point where I was having a hard time walking on it and not being able to sleep because of the throbbing pain. The next day-they tapped the knee-really didn't get any fluid out. Therefore the Rheumatologist felt it was probably big blood clot on my knee. But he did send cultures to cover all the basis. It grew out a nice bacteria infection that is resistance to the oral abx I was on. So I made a overnite stay in the hospital to have IV abx started. Sent me home with a PICC line and a regimen of IV abx for 14 days. YEAH!!!! All I can do is laugh at this. This pregnancy started with a bang (pneumonia @ 6 weeks) and now it's only appropriate that ends with a bang. :)

My mother-in-law is the sweetest woman, she spent this past week with us to help out and is planning to come back tonite to help out until after big boy's arrival. Thank you Grandma!!!

To end this past week, Mother Nature decided to blanket us with the white stuff. The winter season has officially started. We've been so spoiled these past 12 days of a beautiful November with temps way above average. Addy's first words when she saw the snow falling, " What's that?" We replied, "It's snow." Addy: " I have to get my mittens." She wanted to make a snowman.

Making snow angels.

Here's Addy's friend thanks to Daddy.

Now it's time for hot chocolate! YUM!!

That's the rewind. Until next week..... (there should be a new addition to the family by then.)

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